Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July 31 2019 Day 21

This is a image of the Miskwaa Ziibi river approx. 1500 yards south of my location looking north and as you can tell no obvious water , however you do hear it gurgling under the rocks and that's were the lil canoes are working their way through , again, many will just get stuck and will have to wait all summer and winter before they will continue their adventure.

I did go for a walk down the river today and I did manage to find one , as for the number that is unknown , I just left it there and as you can see its high and dry.

Here we have Wayne releasing #40 and Aycan sending #35 on its way

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

July 30 2019 Day 20

Well I am excited to announce that the "lil red canoe project" has now started reaching other countries around the world .
I am very happy more and more people are volunteering to release lil canoes and taking part in my project , everyone has their own reasons.
As I had mentioned in another post my goal is 999 lil red canoes and at least 1 per day will be sent down the river and yes even in the winter for the river never completely freezes over.

Image above from Left to Right is Anna who was thrilled to release canoe #28 , Micheal standing supporting her had released canoe #13 a few days prior and Hart releasing canoe #32 to begin their adventures down the Miskwaa Ziibi river a 2 km journey to Little Bald Lake located in the beautiful scenic Kawartha Lakes

Monday, July 29, 2019

July 29 2019 Day 19

Well folks today is the 19th day since the first lil red canoe was released to begin its own adventure down the Miskwaa Ziibi river to wherever.
This project is a lot of fun for me and the project is growing daily , whether it is this format or social media.
The project is strictly voluntary with no cost or obligation,and the lil red canoes will not be for sale,
 I respect everybody's privacy therefore images of your identity is not required for the blog , however a first name and hand image is required and logged with a number.
I have set myself a high goal of 999 or until I cannot make them anymore.

I thought it would be fun to have a photo shoot of lil red canoe #29 prior to it's release
I hope you are enjoying my blog and watch for future posts.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

July 28 2019 Day 18

Well folks I am in my 17th day of launching the lil red canoe project and I am really enjoying the process and direction it is going.
It is now beginning to be noticed in other countries around the world and gaining momentum via social media , the likes . comments and shares are very much appreciated.
I invite people whom want to be apart of my project , the lil red canoes have no boundaries , just people wishing to release a lil red canoe for whatever the reason .

Image above are Laurie and Janet whom released lil red canoes #23 & #24 at the same time and watched as they floated down the river.
I had received an email from Laurie expressing how wonderful the experience was for both of them.

Image above are Lacey , Brian and Lynda releasing lil canoes #25 #26 and #27 to begin their adventures .
It has been a few days without much rain and the river is much slower,however this will not stop the project to proceed , the lil canoes will just settle off to the side and wait.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27 2019 Day 17

And here we have A.Y,Jackson (the dog) & Linda setting #21 and Ted releasing canoe #22 to start their journey's down the river , some may be found , some never be found , everybody has their own reason "make a wish" or "just let go"

Friday, July 26, 2019

July 26 2019 Day 16

Here we have Manon who released lil red canoe #17 and Rick who set #18 lil red canoe free to explore the Miskwaa Ziibi river.
I am really excited about the fact the so many people are excited to release the canoes , and that again is the reason launching this project , people engagement , everyone has a reason to "let go"
So far as of today no lil red canoes have been found so far.
Here we have Wanda releasing lil red canoe #19 top and Brian releasing #20 bottom

Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25 2019 Day 15

Today was a very special day today.
Pictured here is Jack , he set lil red canoe #15 free and Ena set lil red canoe # 16 free to explore the Miskwaa Ziibi river , some may never be found as they make their way down the rocky river on their way to Little Bald lake connected to Pigeon Lake and beyond.
Safe travels lil ones

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

July 24 2019 Day 14

Today was lil red canoe #14 's day to be released to start it's own journey down the Miskwaa Ziibi river,for which I set free.
It had a little bit of a rough start and stuck to the rock but did eventually brake free and continued , this is just a minor set back as compared to what it may encounter.
Some may be found , some may never be found and some may make a 2 km journey down the river to Little Bald lake and beyond.

Safe travels lil one.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

July 23 2019 Day 13

Today was lil red canoes #13's  big day , We have the pleasure of a visit from one of my son's from Toronto for a few days.
Here is Michael releasing a canoe into the Miskwaa Ziibi to begin it's own journey.
Michael's only complain so far are the deerflies and pesky skeeters , other that than that it's cool.

Monday, July 22, 2019

July 22 2019 Day 12

Well folks I am all caught up and now ready to move forward on new postings and images.
This is a image I captured today of 11 lil red canoes ready to be set free.
Its still early in the day and so far no visitors , however this could change as the day progresses  and this may be edited
If you are following this please leave a comment or question so I know you were here , very much appreciated.

Well its the end of the day and no visitors released lil red conoe #12 , so it was my pleasure to send this lil canoe on its journey down the river to wherever , safe travels lil one.

July 21 2019 Day 11

The continuing story of the lil red canoe project.
Today was a very special day for myself and the lil red canoe #11.
As you may or may not know is that I am not only an artist but also the owner of Miskwaa Art Studio & Outdoor gallery , a unique gallery where the art is hung outdoors weather permitting.
Well one of my long time artists friends Lucy Q came out to drop her art for August show and brough her new friend Jim.
I asked lucy if she would like to set a canoe free ? she turned to me and asked if Jim could do it.
and so he did shown in the image , after he released the canoe he turned to me and said "that was a very emotional moment" so folks that's how this project has evolved , some may need to just "let go"

July 20 2019 Day 10

Well the "lil red canoe project" is really gaining momentum now , more people volunteering to come out and set one free.
Today we have Jane Hall a retired teacher and now persuing her passion of painting , she has her work showing at the "Open Air Art show & sale for the months of July and August.
When I asked her if she would like to release a canoe she was thrilled and overwhelmed with emotion.
So today lil red canoe #10 was set free down the Miskwaa Ziibi river to find it's way.
be safe lil one.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

July 19 2019 Day 9

Well today was another special day and as for lil red canoe # 9 very special , you see we had visitors today and little Naomi only just turning 5 was very excited about putting a little canoe in the water and watching it float away all  while making a "wish" , she may not remember this experience when she grows up or she may , it all about the engagement with people and the connections made.

July 18 2019 Day 8

Well today was a special day for lil red canoe #8
I reached out to our neighbours Denise and Paul and asked if they would be interested in setting a lil red canoe free ? , they have been following the project on facebook and had no hesitation and since I do only 1 per day for 99 days and Paul was going on a business trip he would go first and Denise will set one free at a later date.
Paul was so thrilled he brought along his camera and video taped the whole experience and has posted it on facebook , I will ty and link the video here , its very cool.
Again different people have different reasons as to why they wish to release a canoe , maybe a wish , maybe just to "let go"

July 17 2019 Day 7

Well today was a very quiet day , we had no visitors stop in to check out the "Open Air Art show" so it was just myself and lil red canoe #7.
So later on in the evening while I was already down there working on more lil red canoes , it was lil red canoe # 7 's turn to begin its journey , gently placing it in the water and watching it float downstream , almost a cliché , into the sunset.

July 16 2019 Day 6

Today was lil red canoe's exciting day for today our good friend Robert Stevens set one free.
He was very thrilled when ask if he would like to participate for you see Bob used to read "Paddle to the Sea" to the children of Inuvik when he was a teacher many moons ago.
Safe travels lil one.

July 15 2019 Day 5

July 15 2019 was a big day for lil red canoe #5 today it was set free by Lynne , my partner , friend , wife and biggest fan (sometimes on the art I create,and that's okay)
Whatever the reason you have when setting one free is personal , could be a "wish" or could be just "letting go"
So far that is 5 lil red canoes released and none have been reported found.
If you do find one , you may keep it or you can return it to the water to continue it's journey.

July 14 2019 Day 4

Today was lil red canoe #4 's big day to be set free to start it's journey down the Miskwaa Ziibi River translated in Ojibwa "Red River" rich with history and spirituality.
Pictured here is Bill van Koot a very talented wood sculpter from Bobcaygeon On.
I invite people to come out and release a "lil red canoe" whatever their reason is personal , whether to make a "wish" or just to "let go"

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July 13 2019 Day 3

Today was the day that the lil red canoe #3 was released by me down the Miskwaa Ziibi river and was uneventful and this got me thinking , okay I can release numbered canoes down the river , some may be found , some may never be found , some may make their way to Little Bald Lakes and maybe beyond and at this time my facebook posts were getting a lot of attention , 3,000 views , 800 engagements and lots of comments , most about his this project reminds them of the 1944 story and 1966 documentary "Paddle to the Sea" , so why not let other people release a lil red canoe for whatever reason , could be for luck , could be for letting something go , whatever the reason I felt this could help people and so it began.

July 12 2019 Day 2

 I am posting stories to help you catch up and enjoy future   stories.
   I had created 3 lil red canoes by this time but the process of witling a piece of wood , sanding it and then the soaking process was taking to long if I was to release one per day for 99 days.
   Since having experience with a had held grinder I was able to shape the basic form of a canoe but the real pleasure I get is sitting by the river and actually hand forming them with various sandpapers.
  I have kept a written journal of all the lil red canoes , ie dates released and by whom and why, however this is a much better format to share more details started July 20 2019.

July 11 2019 Day 1

                                            July 11 2019

   As I had mentioned in my prior post the concept is basically very simple , I was sitting down by the river in the evening with my coffee and just absorbing nature , the sounds of the birds , the frolicking baby mink and of coarse that unique sound of the river that changes daily.
  As a artist and creator I am always thinking of ways to engage people , so one day I brought a little piece of scrape wood and a knife and just started witling away and a lil canoe emerged ,was this an influence from the energy of the area , maybe, then the thought occurred maybe I will just let it go in the river.
 I didn't let it go that evening , I held onto it and decided to put something on it and that's when the number came to mind and set a goal of 99 canoes.
  Being concerned of our environment I didn't want to use chemicals ie: wood stains or paint , maybe crush up some red berries , then the thought occurred , red wine , soak them in red wine to give them a unique colour.
 So on July 11 2019 I released my 1st lil red canoe down the Miskwaa Ziibi river and posted it on facebook , the results of that post will be told in another story.

The story of the "Lil Red Canoe"

                           The lil Red Canoe project

    Hi my name is Daniel Marlatt , I am a photographer and mixed medium textural artist.
I started the "lil red canoe project July 11 2019.
The concept started very simple , I live by the Miskwaa Ziibi river located in Trent Lakes On , where I have opened my art studio and then an Open Air Art Gallery , displaying art hung outdoors under nature's canopy of maple and oak trees.
As I have mentioned I live by the Miskwaa Ziibi river and area very rich with history of logging and spiritual to the Ojibwa peoples whom resided and gave them their means of survival along its banks.
I can be found in the evening sitting by the river after a long day with the gallery and reflecting what would life be like a couple of hundred years ago.
I know the Ojibwa peoples were creative and I was always creative so I suppose we melded together.
I will be posting additional stories and images as time goes by

   Well it's been 2 weeks now since the launch of the lil red canoe project and it is getting recognition , when I started it the intent was 1 per day for 99 days.
It is gaining alot of attention , not just this format but in social media and with that I have set myself a higher goal.
Now people can come and visit and release a lil red canoe for whatever the reason , and not limit 1 per day but set many free any day,as long as at least one is set free.
My new goal is 999 or however long I can create them.
I hope are enjoying my and the lil red canoe story and follow us and ask  friends and family to also follow us along in this journey of life.
With the world full of so much pain , the lil red canoe is my small part to bring some sense of it all , people coming out and asking to release a lil red canoe for what ever reason , who would think a small hand crafted piece of soft pine has helped so many people so far , I see and feel when some people first show up , so tense and reserved , but after the experience leaving so relieved and that is what I enjoy the most about the process.
This project has really evolved into something very special , with no cost or obligation to anyone ,my way to share.
As the project continues to evolve I also invite viewers of the blog from anywhere around the world to have a lil red canoe released in the river for them or even dedicate one for someone they know.

I Daniel Marlatt reserve the copyrights to the lil red canoe as the creator , hand sculpted from white pine approx. 2" long 3/4 " wide , infused with red wine and pyrography applied to the top , they are not for sale .

Today was the big day for release.

  Hey all , I decided to release the "Miskwaa Message in a bottle" canoe on April 3 2022 , I felt the spring run off hit it's ...